Improve efficiency of the pricing process

Quantee insurance pricing platform is created by actuaries for actuaries – we exactly know which tedious work of pricing teams can be automated thanks to AI and drastically reduce an effort for any pricing strategy update. The platform is highly collaborative unlocking the full potential of P&C/Health insurers and MGAs to be ahead of the competition.

Trusted by 20+ customers across the globe Explore insurers using our solution


High cost

Fragmented process, stack of legacy systems and increasing competition makes pricing function very expensive.

Long time-to-market

Lack of technology supporting everyday pricing decisions makes our business outdated and behind the competitors.

Resources issues

Increasing demand for actuaries and data scientists makes it difficult to hire and develop experts.

How Quantee helps

Automated pricing modelling

Automated GLM/GAM modelling, explainable machine learning and other AI-assisted hints and alerts boost the tedious work of pricing actuaries and underwriters, unlocking their true potential on key impact analysis and improving business KPIs.


Pricing teams can easily share models with another team, keep a history of deployments as well as keep an audit trail of users’ actions. Collaboration in Quantee is extremely easy with user and team roles embedded in project workspaces, and pricing engines.

End-to-end pricing platform

Quantee allows to design the most competitive pricing models, deploy them to sales channels and manage the portfolio allowing pricing teams and executives to react to any market event in the most dynamic way.

What value do we bring

Deliver more with the same resources
Up to 10x effort reduction for pricing updates
What our customers are saying

We selected Quantee because we needed cutting-edge pricing technology for both motor and home lines of business. Quantee team treats our requests seriously, and they quickly implement them into the software.

Daniel Sobiecki, Head of Tariff Department, InterRisk
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We selected Quantee after careful examination across all available pricing software vendors. We’re now ready for data-driven pricing and we can clearly see next steps in growing our pricing sophistication.

Amanda Evenson, Vice President, Data and Analytics, Red River Mutual
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We were looking for a solution capable of deploying pricing changes within minutes and providing responses so swiftly that it satisfies the needs of even the most demanding UK aggregators. Quantee proved to be exactly what we needed.

Tim Hooper, CTO, Tedaisy
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