Enhance pricing accuracy and combined ratios

Quantee insurance pricing software helps insurers and MGAs to improve their models' accuracy through advanced GLM/ML capabilities and a customizable pricing process. Integrated rating engine significantly improves combined ratios for P&C and health insurers.

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Too simple approach

Rating-based and expert judgement approaches may lead to increasing LR/CoR in the competitive markets.

Lack of flexibilitty

Inflexible legacy systems in data and modelling processes block your pricing teams from delivering business value.

Restricted deployment

Any competitive pricing strategy is useless if you cannot integrate it with sales channels.

How Quantee helps

Advanced GLM/ML-based models

Quantee offers a powerful analytical environment that allows your team to create, update and govern highly precise risk and non-risk models. AI-assisted GLM/GAM, explainable GBMs and other advanced supervised/unsupervised techniques allow pricing teams to create the most competitive pricing strategies in the market.

Customizable pricing process

Actuaries can build and maintain any pricing process they imagine. Data, models and other parameters can be created, updated and versioned in a way adjusted to current needs. Quantee supports open-source integration making it a limitless experience for demanding pricing teams.

Integrated pricing engine

Any pricing strategy built in Quantee can be deployed and integrated with sales channels, including ML algorithms, open-source integrations or online price-optimisation. Robust pricing engines APIs can be tested and monitored allowing pricing teams to react to any market events.

What value do we bring

Improved profitability
Up to 5 p.p. LR/CoR improvement
What our customers are saying

We selected Quantee after careful examination across all available pricing software vendors. We’re now ready for data-driven pricing and we can clearly see next steps in growing our pricing sophistication.

Amanda Evenson, Vice President, Data and Analytics, Red River Mutual
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We’ve already successfully launched our first pricing project built in Quantee and first outlooks are really promising, significantly reducing claim frequency and our loss ratio.

Maciej Woźny, Head of Pricing, TUW “TUW”
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We selected Quantee because we needed cutting-edge pricing technology for both motor and home lines of business. Quantee team treats our requests seriously, and they quickly implement them into the software.

Daniel Sobiecki, Head of Tariff Department, InterRisk
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