Optimise portfolio profitability

Quantee insurance modelling software has extensive price optimisation and demand modelling capabilities thanks to which insurers and MGAs significantly improve portfolio profitability. Embedded price tests and A/B tests functionalities unblock pricing teams to improve their CoR.

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Low portfolio growth

Losing policyholders during renewals, not attracting new business and not being able to offer the right price for each individual leads to low portfolio growth.

Lack of expertise

Not enough knowledge on how to conduct price tests, create demand models or use competitors' prices is a serious challenge faced by many actuarial teams.

Lack of portfolio control

Not being able to analyse and have control over written margins, CoR and other business KPIs leads to inefficient decisions.

How Quantee helps

Advanced price optimisation

Our state-of-the-art individual price optimisation algorithm works with individual and aggregative constraints beating the market benchmarks and significantly improving the profitability of the renewal and new business insurance portfolio.

Robust demand modelling

We support AI-assisted GLM/GAM and ML-based modelling of demand, making use of your price elasticity information and competitors' prices. Precise demand models allow pricing teams to perform scenario analysis, impact analysis and price optimisation delivering executives extensive information on business KPIs.

Embedded price tests

Quantee software helps your pricing teams perform price tests in a live environment, get information about the behaviours of your insurance portfolio and collect data for demand models.

What value do we bring

Up to 5 p.p. CoR improvement while maintaining conversion ratio
Ability to control volume vs conversion trade-off
What our customers are saying

We selected Quantee because we needed cutting-edge pricing technology for both motor and home lines of business. Quantee team treats our requests seriously, and they quickly implement them into the software.

Daniel Sobiecki, Head of Tariff Department, InterRisk
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We selected Quantee after careful examination across all available pricing software vendors. We’re now ready for data-driven pricing and we can clearly see next steps in growing our pricing sophistication.

Amanda Evenson, Vice President, Data and Analytics, Red River Mutual
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We’ve already successfully launched our first pricing project built in Quantee and first outlooks are really promising, significantly reducing claim frequency and our loss ratio.

Maciej Woźny, Head of Pricing, TUW “TUW”
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